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 Take a look at the top 10 Fortune 500 CEO that uses their Emotional Intelligence. 

Technology for your Psychology  306

SEL ( Social, Emotional learning) Teachers program

 This is the Language link. 

The relationship between SEL and academics is a core issue for the field of academics by preparing students receptivity to academic learning. Teachers and the skills of SEL and Literacy.  Just as the common core with its emphasis on academic, vocabulary has brought attention to the critical role vocabulary plays in content mastery TFYP is helping teachers reaffirm the relationship between vocabulary and emotional regulation.  Social-Emotional skills really can be taught, and you can learn emotional vocabulary.  If you give the students the language skills education, they will use it.   

Emotional and behavioral problems and learning disabilities are intertwined.

The relationship between SEL (Technology for your Psychology ) skills is a must for teachers in all fields of education.  Such as self-regulation and self-efficacy often support academics learning.  There are studies that prove SEL instruction can support language acquisition, and that TFYP program's emphasis on vocabulary in part instructions and literacy and skills building.  

  Teachers see clear connections between SEL instructions, and literacy and verbal skills for English language Arts.  As language acquisition is really related to feelings.  The students also connect their new emotional vocabulary to classroom texts and literature.  This is an important step for teachers/ students to know how characters are feeling and why.   As TFYP identifies the words that best match their emotional state and the strategies that will help them process those emotions,  This thinking about language acquisitions,  SEL and special populations is evident, among district administrators as well.  

  Emotional and behavioral problems and learning disabilities are intertwined, so TFYP courses, workshops, presentations instruction presents a compelling strategy to support student learning.  Words create your worlds and your habits-   As teachers learn these skills TFYP curriculum in continuing education infuse elements of a strategy to support student learning.  Words feelings and emotions create your worlds and your habits.

 10 top Emotionally - Intelligent Fortune 500 CEOs  

What tends to set these people apart is a level of disciplined self-awareness that helps them develop as leaders faster than the average CEO, as well as knowing how to attract a complementary team around them.

Jeff Bezos ( With his quirky laugh and self-deprecating style, Bezos doesn’t sound like a Fortune 500 CEO and that’s probably to his benefit. His obsession with the hearts and minds of his customers and his long-term perspective on relationships (and business strategy) are legendary, as was his YouTube announcement of Amazon’s Zappos acquisition in 2009.

Warren Buffett (Berkshire Hathaway): “Success in investing doesn’t correlate with IQ once you’re above the level of 25. Once you have ordinary intelligence, what you need is the temperament to control the urges that get other people into trouble investing.” Intensely loyal and relationship-driven, he asks his CEOs to run their companies as if they were to own them 100 years from now.

Ursula Burns (Xerox): In tandem with Anne Mulcahy who moved up to Chair, Burns transitioned to CEO as the first woman-to-woman CEO leadership transition in a Fortune 500 company in what has become a pivotal case study in organizational development. Direct, yet respectful, her assertiveness is matched by a sense of mission that inspires her employees.

Jamie Dimon (JPMorgan Chase): At Harvard Business School, Dimon said: “You all know about IQ and EQ. Your IQ’s are all high enough for you to be very successful, but where people often fall short is on the EQ. It’s something you develop over time. A lot of management skills are EQ because management is all about how people function.” 

John Donahoe (eBay): Donahoe inherited a difficult situation from Meg Whitman with the need to truly alter the company’s business strategy. As a role model for Jim Collins’ Level 5 (humility & ambition) and Bill George’s “True North“ leaders, Donahoe’s disciplined self-awareness and his listening ability have created a deeply loyal team and a healthy, evolving culture.

Larry Fink (BlackRock): Called “psychologically astute” in a Vanity Fair feature article, Fink created the largest money-management firm in the world based upon self-reflection, teamwork, and direct communication. His senior leadership team embraces EI seminars to improve their skills.

Alan Mulally (Ford): Walk around Ford’s corporate campus and you will see office cubes featuring handwritten notes that Mulally has sent to employees... praising their work. Great interpersonal skills and a “Clintonesque” ability to make you feel like you’re the only one in the room when you’re in a conversation with him.

•Indra Nooyi (Pepsi): Nooyi is a conscious capitalist whose “performance with purpose“ agenda has helped move employees from having a job to living a calling. She is acutely aware that being a woman of color means she may receive more attention and scrutiny, but she still projects her personality without reservation — whether it’s singing in the hallways or walking barefoot in the office. She wrote the parents of 29 senior Pepsi execs to tell them what great kids they’d raised.

Howard Schultz (Starbucks): He says that the main reason he came back was “love“: for the company and its people. Very dedicated to generous health care benefits — inspired by his father losing his health insurance when Schultz was a kid.

Kent Thiry (DaVita): Leaders with high EI/EQ create culture-driven organizations that perform at their peak due to the power of mission and teamwork. Thiry took over a demoralized kidney dialysis center company that was almost out of business and, with a passionate spirit, created nearly 44 percent annual growth in earnings per share in the past decade, 6th highest of any Fortune 500 company.

There are many honorable mentions from Jim Sinegal at Costco to Gary Kelly at Southwest Airlines to Andrea Jung at Avon or John Mackey at Whole Foods Market. As for the top 10, there are some obvious choices as well as some more obscure CEOs.

Technology for your Psychology: 

Facilitator:  Author / Speaker Joy Jangdhari 


Technology for your Psychology wellness programs create positive change in our thinking and our actions/ reactions, as it combines neuroscience, mind-body training, and social-emotional learning. 

 Building Emotional Resilience 

Technology -The application of scientific knowledge for a practical purpose.

Psychology- The scientific study of the human mind and it's functions, especially those affecting behavior in a given context.

This course teaches the participates to identify their own self-regulation (the ability to control one's internal stress response, as well as one's emotional response).

This will be reflected as resilience to stress and equanimity in the face of emotions, which leads to psychological self-efficiency.

This education can reduce an emotional uproar and provide a "calm in the storm" presence.  It provides tools to access and begin to understand the internal landscape.  The participants will apply methods to evaluate their own habitual responses, negative conditioning, and survival skills.  They will be assisted in the self-study of thoughts, beliefs, fears, reactions, and desires and identify their own programming and conditioning.  This provides that the clinician/patient relationship will be in concordance with Psychology theories to provide a model for understanding human thoughts, emotions, and behaviors.

This program has been recommended by Doctors, Teachers, Entrepreneurs!  


Facilitator: Author / Speaker Joy Jangdhari 

This program gives you the tools and techniques to live fully, authentically and joyfully! 

To live in the center of calm is to be vibrantly alive, empowered and present even in the midst of stress and challenge.

Calm is actually a state of clear awareness and feeling fully "at home" in ourselves.

This workshop combines neuroscience, mind-body training, and social-emotional learning.  This workshop empowers individual to enhance their physical, emotional social cognitive health. 

  This program has been recommended by Doctors, Teachers, Entrepreneurs! 


  Facilatator:  Author / Spekaer Joy Jangdhari


Practicing Social-Emotional Habits that Facilitate Emotionally Resilience.

Self-investigation skills

Steps to emotional freedom

 include techniques that promote team building, physical health (through movement and exercise) focus, mindfulness, memory, emotional wellness, confidence in the participant's awareness:  Self-awareness involves knowing your own feelings. This includes having an accurate assessment of what you’re capable of when you need help, and what your emotional triggers are.
  • Self-management: This involves being able to keep your emotions in check when they become disruptive. Self-management involves being able to control outbursts, calmly discussing disagreements, and avoiding activities that undermine you like extended self-pity or panic.
  • Motivation: Everyone is motivated to action by rewards like money or status. , however, refers to a motivation for the sake of personal joy, curiosity, or the satisfaction of being productive.
  • Empathy: While the three previous categories refer to a person’s internal emotions, this one deals with the emotions of others. Empathy is the skill and practice of reading the emotions of others and responding appropriately.
  • Social skills: This category involves the application of empathy as well as negotiating the needs of others with your own. This can include finding common ground with others, managing others in a work environment, and being persuasive. This program discusses the level of emotional fitness that can be determined by.  
  • Identifying the characteristics of thoughts, feelings, beliefs, reactions, and actions at any given time. 


Facilitator: Author/Speaker Joy Jangdhari 


Experience tools and techniques to leave old mechanical habits behind and begin to become more mindful and release bodily tension. 

Employees are the best asset of every organization, and putting effort into employee wellness can encourage better teamwork, increased productivity and reduce sick leave and workplace accidents. 

1. This program evaluates our view on intelligence

2. Identify the characteristics of thoughts, feelings, beliefs, reactions, and actions at any given time.


Building Emotional Fitness 

Facilitator: Author/ Speaker Joy Jangdhari 

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Change the psychology of someone you can change their life

As you go through life you usually look at other people and events from your own perspective and only situations from your own point of view.  Each and every one of us fights to defend and protect our own point of view and perspectives... but do you really know what you are fighting to defend and protect?  When the look inward brings "bad news"  Joy Events provides quality  Counselor/ social work education and provide opportunities for leadership and professional development.  Our roundtable talks enhance the quality of education for a professional practice that promotes individual, family, and community well-being, and education and research.


Facilitator: Author / Speaker Joy Jangdhari


Self-investigation skills 

Staying in the Present moment and being mindfu

First, we will look at the idea of identifying the characteristics of your feelings, thoughts, reactions, and actions at any given moment.  We could call that "who you are being", but instead let's call that "how you are being" (there is an important distinction that we will examine in a little while).  With this context, the description of "how you are being" at the time a situation is occurring can include: 

  • What are you thinking
  • How you are feeling
  • What you are telling yourself about your thoughts, feelings, words, and actions.



Facilitator: Author/ Speaker Joy Jangdhari 


Breathing practices, cause greater oxygenation and detoxification of the blood, brain, and tissues of the body.  Breathing practice nourishes the parasympathetic function of the nervous system, which governs our ability to relax and feel okay.  This is an important key to greater mental and emotional flexibility.

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