Sense Organs
Sense Organs
Sense organs always perceive everything only in comparison with something else, What you know in comparison s not perception, it is a distortion of reality.

The heart and the Brain
The heart and the Brain
Let's begin with the Brain and the MInd-The brain is a material function. it's a muscle like the heart and the brain cells contain all memories. I'm not a brain specialist but Ive lived a long time now and I watched a great deal. Not only the reaction of other, what they say, what they think, what they want to tell you but also I watch how the brain reacts.
So the brain has evolved through time. The human brain is contained within the skull. But it can go beyond itself. You can sit here and think of your country or your home you're instantly there in thought not physically but instantly in your home or in a far away country. The brain has extraordinary capacity. Technologically and so we know the brain has extraordinary capacity. That brain has been conditioned by the limitation of language, not the language itself but the limitation of language, by the climate it lives, by the food, by the social environment the society in which it lives and that society has been created by brain so that society is not different from the activities of the brain, years of experience, years of accumulated knowledge based on that experience which is tradition" I am british you are german, he's a christian he's a catholic he's a jew all of the nationalistic divisions which are tribal divisions and the religious conditioning. So the brain is conditioned. And being conditioned it is limited. The brain has extraordinary capacity it has been conditioned and therefore limited. It is not limited in the technological world. Like computers and so on. But it is very limited with the psyche. People have said know yourself,
from the greek from the ancient and so on they studied the psyche in another but they never studied the psyche of themselves. The psychologist the philosophers the experts they never studied themselves. They studied the rabbits the pigeons the monkeys. But they never say I'm going to look at myself. I'm ambitious and greedy and envious I compete with my neighbor with my other scientists I want better follow. The same psyche that is technologically you're marvelous a outside person. So inwardly we are very primitive. So the brain is primitive in the world of the psyche now can that limitation be broken up. Can that limitation which is the self-centered concern can all that be wiped away that means the brain can be unconditioned. Then it has no fear now most of us live in fear. Most of us anxious, frightened of what's going to happen, frighten of death and a dozen other things. Can all of that be completely wiped away and become fresh? So that the brain is free then it's relationship to the mind is entirely different. The mind ( the scientist) they don't go theoretically but actually see that one has no shadow of the shelf. And that is extraordinary arduous to see the me doesn't enter into any field. The self hides in many way under every stone. The self can hide in compassion going to india and liking after the poor people because the self then is attached to some idea, some faith to some conclusions some belief which makes me compassionate because I love Jesus or khrisnia the self had many masks. The mask of meditation, the masks of achieving the highest, the mask that i am enlightened. I know which what I speak of, or this concern about humanity that's another mask so one has to have an extraordinary subtle mind, quick mind quick brain tjo see where it is hiding it requires great attention watching watching watching. but if one really wants to go into this very deeply one has to watch like a hawk every movement of thought every movement of reaction. So the brain can be free from it's condition. The speaker is speaking for himself she might be deceiving herself she ma be trying to pretend to be something or other. You don't know so have a great deal of skepticism doubt, question. Not what others say yourself. So when there is no conditioning of the brain is no linger degenerates. As you get older and older perhaps there brain begins to wear out they lose their memories they behave in most peculiar way not just in America vulgarity degeneration takes place in the Brian first. When the brain is completely free of the self and therefore no longer condition then we can ask we aren going to ask not the brain then what is the mind? The ancient hindus

It's important because those two fields make up the reality of what we are made up of.
It's important because those two fields make up the reality of what we are made up of.
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Our passport today is our relationship with ourselves and others
A scientific process of "who we are"
Emotional and Social Intelligence
First of all, our consciousness is the common consciousness of mankind. Our consciousness is our beliefs, our dogmas, our superstitions, our pains, our sorrows, our fears, our gods, all the things that we have accumulated as knowledge the experiences, the agony, the depression, the anxiety, the isolation, the loneliness, the sense of deep sorrow, not only personal sorrow but the sorrow of mankind, war after war, the sorrow of divided nations, the Arab and the Jew, the Hindu and the Muslim, the communist and the capitalist and so on. All is part of our consciousness. it is the consciousness of mankind, not your consciousness or mine, or his, because we all have innumerable problems, we all seek certainty, we all want security, a place where we can be psychologically safe, undisturbed. This is the common lot of mankind, whether they live in Russia, China, America, or here.
You may have a different color a different name, a different profession, deferent tendencies, different culture, your genes have inherited certain things but basically this is what we are.
Our passport today is our relationship with ourselves and others
A scientific process of "who we are"
Emotional and Social Intelligence
First of all, our consciousness is the common consciousness of mankind. Our consciousness is our beliefs, our dogmas, our superstitions, our pains, our sorrows, our fears, our gods, all the things that we have accumulated as knowledge the experiences, the agony, the depression, the anxiety, the isolation, the loneliness, the sense of deep sorrow, not only personal sorrow but the sorrow of mankind, war after war, the sorrow of divided nations, the Arab and the Jew, the Hindu and the Muslim, the communist and the capitalist and so on. All is part of our consciousness. it is the consciousness of mankind, not your consciousness or mine, or his, because we all have innumerable problems, we all seek certainty, we all want security, a place where we can be psychologically safe, undisturbed. This is the common lot of mankind, whether they live in Russia, China, America, or here.
You may have a different color a different name, a different profession, deferent tendencies, different culture, your genes have inherited certain things but basically this is what we are.
One aspect of the program is to bring a deeper understanding to your own physical, mental and emotional energy system. The techology
Science is good and sometimes science is wrong and then we correct it, when we find the evidence to do so. We will take a look at two areas that science has made false assumptions about you about me about our universe about this world and we are going to identify what those places are.
We are going to explore them today because it changes everything we understand about "who we are."
The question is how much power do we really have to change our world, our lives, our bodies?

The false assumptions
The false assumptions
There are two places that science has made false assumptions about you, about me, about our universe about this world. Two places. We are going to identify what those places are and we are going to explore them today.
Because it changes everything. Where we understand the truth where science made the mistake.

Science tells us that the space in the emptiness in the universe is truly empty- and we know that is not true today.
Science tells us that the space in the emptiness in the universe is truly empty- and we know that is not true today.
The space between you and me and between the stars is empty that's is not true. Nothing can be farther then the truth, because there is something in that space. And that something is what gives us the power to heal our bodies and to bring peace to our world and to change this world if we understand the language to speak to that stuff that is in the emptiness. Science tells us there is nothing there. We will look at the new findings.

Science tells us that the inner experience in your heart in my heart that our thoughts, our feelings, our emotions, our prayers, our beliefs, in our bodies have no effect on the world beyond our bodies. Do you believe that?
Science tells us that the inner experience in your heart in my heart that our thoughts, our feelings, our emotions, our prayers, our beliefs, in our bodies have no effect on the world beyond our bodies. Do you believe that?
There is a language that lives in every human that walks this earth it's a language of no words it's the language of human emotion it's a language was lost to western traditions 1,700 years ago. But it is a language that has been remembered in Ancient and indigenous traditions. Bottom line these are false assumptions, there is something in the emptiness. There is no empty space. It is alive it is pulsing it is living it is intelligent there is a field of energy that holds everything together and you and I are part of that field.

The bottom line is we are going to share the science that tells us There is something in the emptiness there is no empty space. Today we are going to share the science that tells us
1) that the field is there.
2)We are going to discover that our bodies and our world are the materialization that field. From the unreal to the real, from the invisible to the visible, from the probability of the quantum possibilities to the reality of our physical world.
The bottom line is we are going to share the science that tells us There is something in the emptiness there is no empty space. Today we are going to share the science that tells us
1) that the field is there.
2)We are going to discover that our bodies and our world are the materialization that field. From the unreal to the real, from the invisible to the visible, from the probability of the quantum possibilities to the reality of our physical world.

3) We will find that the language of human emotion the language you already know we are going to learn how to use this language to speak to this field. The divine matrix.
3) We will find that the language of human emotion the language you already know we are going to learn how to use this language to speak to this field. The divine matrix.
We are choosing our outcome at anytime you are not a victim of this world.
We don't have to suffer the way we believed that science tells us. We are living a time where all those things come together right now. What gives you and me the power to participate is the fact and it is a fact that this field of energy exist and everyone of you is speaking to this field every day.
The question is do you know what your saying to the field?

The healing power of emotions
The healing power of emotions
This is the story of two baby girls twins and they were born prematurely seven weeks premature the first thing they do is separate the babies now can you imagine living in the womb of your mother for six or seven or eight months and living close to another being your twin brother or your twin sister and hearing the heartbeat of your twin every day and suddenly you're taken from that.
What is electromagnetic interactions the things that hold you and me together makes compasses work operate the wi-fi and the weak force radioactivity in particular taht changes one variety of element into and plays a very important role in the way the sun works.
The electromagnetic force is transmitted by photons which are the quantum bundles of light which have no mass at all.

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